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I want to officialy thank Koalitio for sending 2 fighthers on our vent. We realy appreciate this, especialy knowing what efort it means. We hope to see you in greater numbers next year. If you want more information about the event ( pictures etc) you can find them here: http://www.overload.com.ro/forum/viewforum.php?f=23
I have a question. There is a guy " L4gi" on Bw that seems to be from Finland asking for joining whit any team there. I don`t want to answer to him before i ask you so, do you know him? Worth joining ?
No way! We are not frozen, yet! Fuel could be awesome. Remember to bring it to Berget also
You mean for next Border War? That what L4gi has been asking to join any team? L4gi is a ok guy so you can ask him to join you. Please make him drink the Rocketfuel and call him you know what. Tell Koalitio says hello
We have got a record on 31.12.2014 it have been -31 Celsius. I don`t remeber so cold ever in Romania. Only about 50 years ago colder, some -38 Celsius.
So we start trainig hard for Ice Age . Started to gather resurses ( not only, but mainly ROCKET FUEL) . Speeking about training we aredoing it realy hard every friday night at Tarry`s home as you could see on Facebook ( pool , dart and all kind of stuff). Tarry says hallo and ask for another drik whith you, he has to revenge some MAJOR HANGOVER. .
Thanks for information. Just for fun if we manage to play whith Finns this year and they ask, please tell them that the tradition is to consume a lot of rocket fuel we are providing.
And yeah every body from romanian team will great the finns whith MULKO.
We are Doing Company whith : Finns, Irish, British, Dannes, Slovacian, Germans, Hungarians, Bulgarians and us. Quaite an amalgam of nations there. But we will get along and most important lead this people to victory. Skipper is Company comander and i have the 1st Plt and second in comand.
Still, kinde of woried about our rocket fuel reserve if Irish join in.
As for us we, are recovering after our event in Sibiu. As usual a lot of work and none fun by organising a event. we are looking forward for BorderWar. Are you interested? we still don`t manage to get the entire squad at Berget. So we stick to Cehia. What are your plans for the year comming?
Let`s have a drink in Prague , if not a game . What do you say? Jus t joking , play hard drink hard. You now at least half the fun comes from people around and not from then game you attend. We would like to meet you there.